Executive Secretary extends invitation from Grand Lodge of Santa Catarina


Dear Brothers Most Worshipful Grand Masters,

Here is information from our Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Santa Catarina, Bro∴ Flavio Graff, about the opening of registrations for the 2022 CMSB. I ask everyone to redouble your efforts to participate as many brothers and wifes as possible. This invitation is extended to all Confederates of the CMI.

Fraternally and Sincerely,

Geraldo Macedo, CMI Ex ∴ Sec ∴


Most Worshipful Brothers,

It is with great satisfaction that, as of today, we officially open registration for the 51st Ordinary General Assembly of the Confederation of Symbolic Freemasonry of Brazil – CMSB, which will take place between 13th and 16th of July 2022, in the Orient of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State.

The event is being prepared with great dedication so that all participants feel at home in the State of Santa Catarina in July 2022. WORK, as the central theme of our meeting, will remind us that it is through our individual and collective efforts , as free men and good morals, that we will manage to build a better world! Knowing yourself and improving yourself through Work is one of our most sublime missions! Come with us to participate in this grand event, both for the form and for the content to be shared on the occasion. Let’s live and build with the activities to be carried out and celebrate the reward of a well done WORK, in the end, with a fair and deserved salary in the lands of green-belly!

Make your REGISTRATION at www.cmsb2022.com.br and guarantee your place! To work my brothers!

Flávio Rogério Pereira Graff

Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Santa Catarina