CMI at the installation of the new Grand Master of Paraguay


Last Friday, March 11, 2022, the Executive Secretary of the CMI, Geraldo Macedo, was present in Asunción, capital of Paraguay. Received by the Brother and Mayor of that capital, Óscar “Nenecho” Rodríguez, he received the title of Illustrious Visitor of the city.

On Saturday, 03/12/22, Brother Geraldo attended the installation of the new Grand Master of the Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay, Jose Miguel Fernandez Zacur; and his Deputy, Roque Olitte Valdez. On that occasion, he received the title of Grand Master of Honor of the Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay.

Several Grand Masters from Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, New York, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Uruguay and Argentina also responded to the invitation of the Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay, demonstrating the union and fraternity between the confederates of the CMI.

In his words, the Executive Secretary congratulated the dear brothers Edgar Sanchez Caballero and Ronald González for the excellent management completed with zeal, wishing success to the newly sworn in and placing the entire CMI General Secretariat at their disposal to help them on this brilliant and challenging journey.